PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Theory And Practice <p>The periodical scientific journal "PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: THEORY AND PRACTICE" (Online ISSN 2424-5321) is intended for higher education teachers, students, all those who work in academic work, looking for new ideas for further work in the field of theory and practice of professional studies. To ensure the high quality of the published works, all articles have been reviewed by researchers. The journal is published since 2005. Since 2016 articles are published in English only and only in the online publication. The journal is indexed since 2013 in <strong>EBSCO Academic Search Complete</strong>.</p> <p> </p> en-US (Dr. Silvija Papaurėlytė-Klovienė) (Vitas Marozas) Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0300 OJS 60 PATİENT PRİVACY İN EXAMİNATİON AND İNTERVENTİON: A SYSTEMATİC REVİEW <p><em>The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the studies on ensuring body privacy during patient examination or intervention. In the systematic review, 1821 studies conducted between 2015 and 2023 within the scope of patient examination and intervention and by entering the keywords 'Patient privacy, Privacy, Private Life, Patient privacy' in the electronic databases of National Academic Network and Information Center, Higher Education Institution Theses, Pubmed, Google Scholar were scanned. A total of 6 studies that met the inclusion criteria were reached and compared in terms of their results. It was stated that the inpatients thought that their privacy was taken care of by the staff of the institution, the patients who participated in the research observed that the care shown to their privacy was better in private hospitals than in public hospitals, the average level of privacy knowledge of the patients was 73.9%, the average level of privacy evaluation was 81.6%, and the inpatients thought that their privacy was taken care of by the staff of the institution. It was found that the use of apron during the intervention to the patients increased the patient's sense of protection of privacy. In ensuring patient privacy; patient confidentiality all healthcare personnel who work in different institutions by showing the same attention to treating patients may contribute to the increase of level of privacy. It may be recommended to develop different aprons to protect their body privacy during the procedures applied to patients.</em></p> Ayşegül Muslu Copyright (c) 2024 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Theory And Practice Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Participation in the "Erasmus+": Perspectives on Attitudes, Motivational Drivers and Barriers to Engagement <p>This study examines students’ engagement in the "Erasmus+" program in Georgia, their <br>attitudes, motivations, obstacles to participation, and the program's effects on academic and career <br>progress. Survey research was conducted with 215 students, and four focus groups were held with <br>50 students. The findings revealed, that participants' success in the "Erasmus+" program was <br>associated with positive attitudes towards the program, students’ motivations, effective preparation, <br>and strong academic and language skills. A higher success rate was observed among female <br>participants particularly within the age group of 23-29. These groups also expressed a desire to <br>pursue further studies and apply for "Erasmus+". Participating in "Erasmus+" projects enhanced the <br>social and academic skills of students, yet the direct impact on job prospects was uncertain. Non<br>participation primarily stems from barriers named by more than half of the surveyed students, such <br>as a lack of information, inadequate support, and financial limitations. Previous experiences with <br>mobility programs also influenced their preferences, as participants displayed a preference for further <br>studies in EU countries, while non-applicants pursued educational opportunities in Georgia followed <br>by EU countries. <br>Through by eliminating the aforementioned barriers, more young people would engage in the <br>"Erasmus+" program, fostering their enhanced educational, professional, personal, and societal <br>development.</p> Anastasia Kitiashvili Copyright (c) 2024 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Theory And Practice Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0200 ADHERENCE TO INHALER THERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE AND CONTRIBUTING FACTORS <p>Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality <br>worldwide, with inhaler therapy being a cornerstone of its management. This review aims to evaluate <br>adherence to inhaler therapy among COPD patients and identify factors influencing this adherence. <br>A comprehensive literature search was conducted using databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and <br>Web of Science, focusing on studies published between 2010 and 2023. The findings indicate that <br>adherence rates to inhaler therapy range between 20% and 60%, primarily due to factors such as <br>patient education, inhaler technique, and comorbid conditions. The review highlights the importance <br>of effective patient education and simplified inhalation devices to improve adherence and, <br>consequently, health outcomes in COPD patients.</p> Sevda Tűzűn Özdemir , Öznur Usta Yeşilbalkan , Asiye Akyol Copyright (c) 2024 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Theory And Practice Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Energy and Resource Modeling: A Comparative Analysis of Containers and Virtual Machines <p>This paper presents a comparative analysis of energy and resource utilization between <br>containers and virtual machines (VMs), technologies essential for modern cloud computing <br>environments. Containers, lightweight virtualization solutions, enable rapid deployment, efficient <br>scaling, and reduced overhead by sharing the host OS kernel, making them ideal for <br>microservices and agile development workflows. Conversely, VMs offer enhanced security and <br>isolation by virtualizing entire operating systems, suiting multi-tenant and legacy applications. <br>Through mathematical modeling, this study quantifies the differences in energy consumption and <br>resource efficiency of these technologies. The models utilize variables such as CPU and RAM <br>usage and server load to assess each technology's performance in various scenarios. Results <br>from simulations indicate that containers can significantly reduce infrastructure costs by <br>optimizing resource allocation. A sample calculation for VMs and containers was performed to <br>assess resource and energy demands. The results indicate that running 10 VMs requires 9.2% <br>more CPU resources, and 12.5% more RAM compared to containers. In terms of energy <br>consumption, VMs require 82% more energy than an equivalent setup of 10 containers.</p> Donatas Dervinis Copyright (c) 2024 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Theory And Practice Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0200 IMPACT OF SHOCK ABSORBERS QUALITY ON THE SAFETY OF CAR PASSENGERS AND CARGO <p>The analysis of impact of properly operating shock absorbers having a substantial influence <br>on the vehicle safety is a main issue of this paper. A "Quarter-car suspension model" has been <br>used in creating mathematic model for dynamic processes analysis – system of differential <br>equations. <br>The dynamic processes taking place in the wheel suspension has been mathematically described <br>using Quarter-car suspension model. A system of differential equations has been created and <br>applied for programming Scilab Xcos. The results of modeling were verified by performing practical <br>performance using automobile Volvo S80. The results of process modeling and practical car <br>braking using shock absorbers of various quality evidently show the importance of their quality and <br>significant impact on vehicle stability on the road. The simulation, applying Scilab X cos system <br>allows to conclude that the mechanical oscillations during the braking process are quite significant <br>(oscillation amplitude from 0.2, 0,1 m through 3 s period). In case of shock absorber malfunctioning <br>the process simulation, when the damping force of the suspension system was 10 times reduced, <br>the amplitude of moving masses grows up about twice and the period of oscillations lasts more <br>than 3,5 times longer. That allows us to predict that these parameters could expand a braking time <br>up to 20% - 30%, thus affecting the wheel's clamping force and, at the same time, the wheel's <br>adhesion to the road. These factors directly affect the length of the braking distance, as well as the <br>stability of the car's movement in the turn. Because, the results of practical measurements, proved <br>the shock absorbers quality influence on so important parameters like vehicle stopping time and <br>distance, quite often defining the vehicle safety on the road it‟s reasonable to stress on the <br>importance of more strict technical quality control of shock absorbers.</p> Saulius Grinkevičius, Saulius Tamokaitis Copyright (c) 2024 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Theory And Practice Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 DIVERSITY OF SECONDARY COMPONENTS OF MULTI- WORD ANATOMICAL TERMS IN POCKET ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY <p>Medical terms in the atlas can be basically divided into one-word and multi-word terms. <br>Compound words are individual words made from two or more words working together. <br>The object of the article is the relations between Latin and Lithuanian compound <br>anatomical terms, according to diversity of secondary components.The purpose of the article is <br>to reveal the similarities and differences between multi-word Latin and Lithuanian anatomical <br>terms by structural diversity of components. To achieve the purpose, the following research <br>tasks are set: to review the evolution of anatomical nomenclature; to compare Latin and <br>Lithuanian multi-word anatomical terms according to the diversification of structure of <br>components. Research methods. The method of theoretical analysis examines scientific <br>literature, the comparative analysis of terms enables systematisation and generalisation of Latin <br>and Lithuanian anatomical terms in the resource.</p> Nijolė Litevkienė Copyright (c) 2024 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Theory And Practice Tue, 14 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 INFLUENCE OF HUMUS FERTILIZATION ON YIELD AND ESSENTIAL OIL ACCUMULATION OF THYMUS × CITRIODORUS <p>Thymus × citriodorus is medicinal, aromatic, essential oil bearing plant, this hybrid can <br>accumulate commercial important chemical compound – geraniol in it’s essential oil. The aim of <br>the present study was to evaluate the effect of fertilization with humus on the yield, for parameters <br>of some leaf epidermal structures,as well as on the quantitative and qualitative composition of <br>essential oils of T. × citriodorus plants that were grown in an open ground for three years. The <br>experiment was done in eight experimental plots: four experimental plots were used as control <br>and other four– for fertilization with humus. The essential oil was isolated by hydrodistillation and <br>analysed by GC–FID and GC–MS. The results showed that fertilization with humus significantly <br>positive affected the height of plant, the area covered by plant and the length of inflorescences in <br>the first experimental year, the density of stomata in both epidermis of leaf in the first and second <br>experimental years, but significantly negative affected the density of glandular trichomes in lower <br>epidermis of leaf in the second experimental year. Fertilization with humus did not affect the <br>percentage and composition of essential oil.</p> Vaida Vaičiulytė, Kristina Ložienė Copyright (c) 2024 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Theory And Practice Wed, 29 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200