Applied Scientific Research
<p>The journal “Applied Scientific Research” (Online ISSN 2783-6290) is a registered periodical peer-reviewed scientific journal of Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuania, published since 2022. Its uniqueness among other scientific journals is its orientation towards the results of original applied research. The focus is on the high international scientific level, the aim is to attract the solid publications of Lithuanian and foreign researchers.</p> <p>From 2022 all articles of the journal are registered in the international scientific information database - <strong>Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)</strong> <a href=""></a> </p> <p>From 2023 all articles of the journal are registered in <strong>Index Copernicus</strong> (ICI World of Papers) database of scientific articles: <a href=""></a> Articles are searched by author, key words or article title: <a href=""></a></p> <p>This is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.</p> <p>Articles submitted for publication can be uploaded in this system or sent by e-mail <a href=""></a></p>Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuaniaen-USApplied Scientific Research2783-6290Fear of death: everyday experience-based nurses ’observations in working with elderly and old patients ill with chronic cardiovascular diseases
<p>Summary <br>Fear of death occurs when elderly and old patients (EOPs) are faced with life-threatening events <br>or extreme psychological stress. For most, anticipation of death triggers negative emotions such as <br>the fear of losing of oneself, helplessness, and a loss of control. Fear of death is one of the most <br>prevalent psychiatric consequences of chronic health conditions. Nurses face challenges in caring for <br>EOPs ill with chronic cardiovascular diseases (CCVDs) snd this is related to high emotional stress <br>and fatigue associated with constant monitoring of patients and managing their anxiety and fears. <br>Fear of death is a common concern among EOP with CCVDs. There is relatively little research that <br>examines the relationship between EOPs ’CCVDs and experienced fear of death phenomena from the <br>perspective of nurses. Research question, to which the answer was sought was ‘How do nurses de<br>scribe the symptoms, signs of fear of death among EOPs ’ill with CCVDs and how they recognise the <br>features of patients ’fear of death?’ A total of 15 nurses had participated in the study. Data were <br>collected by using semi-structured interviews. The manifest qualitative content analysis for data anal<br>ysis were applied. Findings revealed that the related emotional/psychological, physiological and be<br>havioural changes were observed by nurses and the characteristics for recognising the feeling of death <br>in patients were identified. Characteristics of EOPs ill with CCVDs and experiencing fear of death <br>are related to changes in emotions, behaviour and physical/physiological symptoms/signs that are <br>interrelated with their emotional state. The social, spiritual and creative needs of patients are intensi<br>fied while they experience fear of death.</p>Kristina BulkinaVilma Žydžiūnaitė
Copyright (c) 2024 Kristina Bulkina, Vilma Žydžiūnaitė
<p>Community building is an important macro and micro phenomenon. This means that <br>the community is economically important in terms of the state's financial resources, their <br>improvement, and growth. The micro-scale is extremely important when it comes to social factors <br>that affect every resident. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to analyze the importance and <br>benefits of community building in the case of X city. <br>The literature section provides insights into the benefits and importance of community building. <br>The concept of community building is analyzed. The study found that the importance and benefits of <br>community building in a residential area include three of the most important and beneficial factors: <br>economic, social, and health connections. During the research, it was revealed that in the presence <br>of a community, the economic factors of the residents became much higher: increasing the awareness <br>of new and small businesses, establishing long-term relationships, promoting business. Social <br>connections are another extremely important phenomenon, thanks to which communities are created. <br>Members of the community make new acquaintances more easily, it is easy for the settlers to get <br>involved in the activities of the community, it promotes the quality of life and safety. Health <br>connections and the interconnectedness of the benefits and importance of community building are <br>another population influencer. It is extremely significant in terms of health, due to the constantly held<br>competitions, which promote the active life of community members, and as a result, the quality of <br>health.</p>Rasa Pavarienė
Copyright (c) 2024 Rasa Pavarienė
2024-11-262024-11-264221–2821–2810.56131/tmt.2024.4.2.322VIDAUS KONTROLĖS SISTEMOS EFEKTYVUMO VERTINIMAS
<p>The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a company's internal control system. Evaluating the <br>effectiveness of internal controls is essential for ensuring organizational transparency, reliability, and competitiveness. <br>Continuous review and improvement of internal control systems are critical for enabling organizations to remain <br>competitive and adapt to evolving business environments. An effective internal control system is founded on well-defined <br>procedures, rules, and policies that support financial accountability, effective risk management, and regulatory <br>compliance. The findings of the survey indicate that, while a majority of employees are familiar with the concept of <br>internal control, only a minority actively engage in its implementation. Although the company has established clear roles <br>and responsibilities, there is a notable gap in employees' understanding of risk management and accountability. <br>Furthermore, while technological advancements have enhanced operational efficiency, some employees experience <br>difficulties in accessing critical information. Regular assessments of the internal control system are conducted; however, <br>employees are often not adequately informed about the outcomes of these assessments or the corrective measures <br>implemented to address identified deficiencies. To improve the effectiveness of the internal control system, greater <br>attention should be given to risk management practices and the communication of assessment results to employees.</p>Rita BužinskienėAistė Padgureckienė
Copyright (c) 2024 Rita Bužinskienė, Aistė Padgureckienė
2024-12-022024-12-024229–4029–4010.56131/tmt.2024.4.2.324Simbolinės ir buitinės lazdõs funkcijos
<p>The article analyzes what functions the well-known everyday tool – the stick – performed in the <br>past or performs now. It explains how the functions of the stick have changed: from a weapon <br>intended for hunting or defense, to an attribute used in various games, from a sign of distinction of <br>the pope or king to a symbol of a beggar. The research uses the methods of document analysis and <br>thematic analysis, currently popular in both social sciences and humanities, when information <br>collected from various written sources is systematized by identifying themes and analyzed, thus <br>characterizing the main object of research – the symbolic and domestic functions of the stick.</p>Jurga SajenkienėJurgita Macienė
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurga Sajenkienė, Jurgita Macienė
<p>The analysis of international trade remains important and relevant regardless of the fact that this <br>type of business has a very long and rich history. International trade is important for all businesses <br>seeking higher profits, but it is most important for countries with small markets or organizations that <br>produce goods with narrow demand. In this context, the article aims to identify opportunities for the <br>development of international trade. After conducting the study, the main opportunities and obstacles of <br>international trade of the organization were identified.</p>Vaiva PranevičienėGerardas Gaubša
Copyright (c) 2025 Vaiva Pranevičienė, Gerardas Gaubša