Business, New Technologies and Smart Society 2024-02-28T13:20:58+02:00 Open Journal Systems <div dir="ltr"> <div>The journal "Business, New Technologies and Smart Society" is a registered non-peer-reviewed periodical of Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija, published since 2017. It publishes articles in Lithuanian or English written by students of various higher education institutions.<br />The journal is published in a cumulative manner. Publication of articles is free of charge.</div> </div> Lietuvos apdirbamosios gamybos įmonių pelno pokyčiai 2001–2021 m. 2023-12-21T14:11:02+02:00 Liana Uleckaitė Rasa Balvočiūtė <p>This text discusses the concept of processing manufacturing companies and explores the factors influencing the profit changes in these companies from 2001 to 2021. It defines production as the transformation of raw materials or parts into finished goods using tools, human labor, machines, and chemical processing. Manufacturing is a significant part of the economy, involving the processing and refining of raw materials into final products, such as furniture and processed food, adding value to these materials. The efficiency of production can be increased by improving quality, updating equipment and procedures, setting realistic goals, and streamlining acceptance, supply chain, and distribution channels. The concept of processing manufacturing companies is then introduced as entities that process raw materials or combine parts into a new product using technology and human labor. The text highlights the impact of various factors on profit changes in these companies over the 2001–2021 period, including the 2008 global financial crisis, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, business expansion (globalization), and the adoption of new technologies</p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 APDIRBAMOJI GAMYBA LIETUVOJE 2001–2021 METAIS: BENDROJO VEIKLOS PELNO ANALIZĖ 2023-12-21T15:10:23+02:00 Erika Paliakaitė Rasa Balvočiūtė <p>This article will talk about the analysis of gross operating profit of manufacturing in Lithuania from 2001 to 2021. It will also reveal many important trends and differences between different sectors. This analysis can be useful in order to understand the manufacturing sector, its profitability and possible influences on the country's economy. Total operating profit in different sectors: From the data presented we will see that there are different sectors of manufacturing, which are characterized by different profitability. For example, the production of textiles reached its peak in 2021, and the machine and equipment repair sector has maintained a stable profit since 2010. This difference may be related to different sector-specific factors, such as international competition, market needs or technological innovation. Next, we will find out what the experience of losses was during the economic crisis: Several sectors, including the production of other vehicles and equipment and the production of motor vehicles, suffered losses in 2009. It reflects the impact of the economic crisis on these sectors, whether it was due to reduced demand, financing difficulties or other factors. Profit of the electrical equipment manufacturing sector during the pandemic: The electrical equipment manufacturing sector is distinguished by the highest profit in 2020. This may be due to increased demand during the pandemic, when many people worked from home and increased their needs for electronic equipment.</p> 2023-12-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Business, New Technologies and Smart Society GAMYBOS LIETUVOJE SKIRTINGO PAŽANGUMO TECHNOLOGIJŲ POKYČIŲ 2012–2021 METAIS ANALIZĖ 2024-01-02T11:20:01+02:00 Paulyna Čemnolonskytė <p>The article describes the changes in production technologies of different levels of sophistication in Lithuania in 2012-2021. The basic concepts of economic terms are distinguished and defined, such as: turnover, added value, general investments in material assets. The main advanced technologies and areas of their use are also highlighted. The results of the research are described below at the end.</p> 2024-01-02T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INOVATYVIOS VERSLO PLĖTROS GALIMYBĖS: ELEKTRONINĖ PREKYBA UAB „SENAS-GERAS“ PARDUOTUVĖS PROJEKTAVIMAS 2024-01-31T15:02:30+02:00 Linas Reutas Donatas Daugirdas <p>The article analyzes the creation of a website and an e-commerce store for a company. The client is UAB 'Senas-Geras', a company that has a second-hand goods store and restoration workshops in Šiauliai city. The client wants to move their business to the online space. After conducting interviews and analyzing similar systems, the main requirements for the system to be created were identified. In projecting the system, an analysis of software and hardware equipment is performed, UML diagrams illustrating the principles of the system's operation are prepared, the structure of the database is designed, and a prototype of the online store is prepared."</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Business, New Technologies and Smart Society ELEKTRONINĖS PARDUOTUVĖS PROJEKTAVIMAS ĮMONEI „SCENTAGE“ 2024-02-28T13:20:58+02:00 Dmitrijus Byčkovas Donatas Daugirdas <p>Straipsnyje analizuojamas elektroninės parduotuvės projektavimas įmonės užsakymu. Įmonė užsiima namų kvapų fizine prekyba, tačiau ieško būdų, kaip padidinti pardavimų rezultatus, todėl nori perkelti prekybą į internetinę erdvę. Užsakovo pageidavimu kuriama sistema, kuri suteiks galimybę prekiauti internete, užsakovas galės lengvai ir efektyviai valdyti su produktais susijusią informaciją naudodamas turinio valdymo sistemą. Įmonė turės galimybę įkelti naujus produktus, kurti naujas kategorijas, naujus puslapius, redaguoti esamą informaciją. Taip pat užsakovas galės priimti mokėjimus už parduodamas prekes iš viso pasaulio.</p> 2024-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024