, New Technologies and Smart Society2024-09-25T13:48:06+03:00Open Journal Systems<div dir="ltr"> <div>The journal "Business, New Technologies and Smart Society" is a registered non-peer-reviewed periodical of Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija, published since 2017. It publishes articles in Lithuanian or English written by students of various higher education institutions.<br />The journal is published in a cumulative manner. Publication of articles is free of charge.</div> </div> DYZELINAS KAIP ALTERNATYVA TRADICINIAM DYZELINUI: EKOLOGINIAI IR EKSPLOATACINIAI ASPEKTAI2024-06-13T11:03:32+03:00Justas Kripasjustas@gmail.comEvaldas Alšauskaseva.alsauskas@kvkedu.ltVida Jokubynienėvida@gmail.comAlmantas<p>Diesel has traditionally been regarded as the most efficient fuel for vehicles, but it is accompanied by pollution problems that have significant impacts on human health and the environment. Therefore, alternatives are currently being sought to replace diesel fuel and to reduce the emissions inherent to diesel. Synthetic diesel is currently being developed as an alternative. It is produced from gas or other renewable sources and its production process is less polluting. Therefore, the use of synthetic diesel as an alternative in the existing diesel infrastructure can be envisaged without major changes. The study is carried out by experimentally measuring fuel consumption, emissions, and power change.</p>2024-06-13T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 – CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT. VIRTUALIZATION ENVIRONMENT AND TOOLS2024-06-13T16:05:45+03:00Borislav<p>In this paper I review virtualization and provide a comprehensive overview of it, as it’s key technology that enhances resource utilization, isolation, flexibility, and scalability in modern IT infrastructures. We explore the concept and development of virtualization, highlighting its evolution from mainframe environments to contemporary cloud-based solutions and it’s progress over the years. The discussion includes various types of virtualization, such as hardware, operating system, storage, and network virtualization, emphasizing their significance in optimizing resource usage and improving system performance. Additionally, we examine a range of popular virtualization platforms and tools, including Docker, Kubernetes, VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, Xen, Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, OpenStack, QEMU, VirtualBox, Parallels Desktop, Hyper-V Manager, VMRC, vSphere, vCenter Server, NSX, Azure Stack, Azure Government, AWS services like S3, RDS, Lambda, ECS, and Linux distributions such as RHEL, CentOS, and Debian. Each platform’s capabilities, typical use cases, and benefits are discussed, providing a clear understanding of how these tools contribute to efficient and scalable IT operations.</p>2024-06-13T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 VITAL INFLUENCE OF THE EXPRESSION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY: A STUDY WITH GRADUATE STUDENTS IN DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES2024-06-13T17:08:14+03:00Carla Rochacarla@gmail.comOlga Ferreiraolgaferreira@sc.ipp.ptMilena Carvalhomilenacarvalho@iscap.ipp.ptSusana<p>The expression of information and communication plays a central role in the information society, deeply and comprehensively shaping the way people interact, share knowledge and influence the world around them. This article explores the influence of these elements on various aspects, from access to information to the concerns of the use of it, with a specific focus on graduates of the degree in Documentation and Information Sciences and Technologies from Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração – Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Furthermore, the technological and social impacts of information expression and communication are discussed, along with associated challenges such as the spread of misinformation and privacy issues. By fully recognizing and understanding this influence, we can make the most of the benefits of the information society while responsibly addressing the challenges and ethical dilemmas it presents.</p> <p>The methodological approach uses a questionnaire survey in order to explore how these professionals perceive and experience the interaction between the expression of information, communication and their professional practice. The results reveal valuable insights into how training in this area influences the understanding and application of information society principles, as well as the challenges and opportunities they face in the current context. This study pretends to contribute to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms through which the expression of information and communication shapes professional practice and society at large.</p>2024-06-13T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 ,,APSAUGOS KOMANDA‘‘ VALDYMO FUNKCIJŲ ANALIZĖ IR TOBULINIMAS2024-06-14T09:47:08+03:00Nonita Daunytė<p>Article from presents an analysis of the corporate governance functions and recommendations for their improvement. It analyses the concept of management functions. The literature on management is analysed literature on management functions and their classification. It presents the implementation of management functions a study on the implementation and improvement of management functions in an enterprise, which shows which management functions in an organisation are being implemented well and which require improvement. In the analysis the planning, organisation, motivation and control functions are properly implemented in the company functions. The planning function is implemented correctly due to the right vision, mission, strategic, tactical and operational plans which help to provide the execution of the enterprise's activities, the setting of the necessary objectives and the achievement of those objectives. The organisational function is correctly implemented through a coherent management structure, which clearly identifies the position and roles of employees within the organisation so that employees know their responsibilities and to whom they report, and that customers are aware of the who to contact. The company's motivational measures are also working well, because there is more than one motivational tool, which makes it much easier to encourage everyone employees without knowing their values. The control function is well implemented due to the internal and external control, due to the proper design of operations and behaviour, the financial controls that lead to the exercise of control within the organisation. However, the implementation of management control is not properly implemented in the company function is not properly managed due to the manager's authoritarian management style, which is characterised by a strong centralisation of management, with a concentration of power in one hand without listening to subordinates.</p>2024-06-14T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 MOKESČIO IR PRIDĖTINĖS VERTĖS MOKESČIO APSKAIČIAVIMAS IR DEKLARAVIMAS2024-06-14T13:25:10+03:00Goda Nasevičiūtėgoda.naseviciute@svako.ltRita Bužinskienė<p>Business, New Technologies and Smart Society</p>2024-06-14T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024ŠIAULIŲ REGIONO DARBO JĖGOS POREIKIS: VADYBININKO PROFESIJOS ATVEJIS2024-06-14T13:46:43+03:00Kamilė Č<p>The article presents the case of the manager's profession, in the labor market sources of the Siauliai <br>region. The concept of the manager's profession and the concept of the workforce are analyzed. The scientific literature <br>to discuss the managerial profession was analyzed. Tools for collecting data on the demand for the managerial profession <br>in the Šiauliai region are presented. Also, the collected data is analyzed and presented in diagrams, to find out exactly <br>what is the prevailing need for employees of this specialty in the Siauliai region: Siauliai, Radviliskis, Kelme, Pakruojis<br>and Akmene. And the conclusions are presented, in which region there was the greatest need.</p>2024-06-14T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024Ų IR SĄNAUDŲ PRIPAŽINIMO IR VERTINIMO ANALIZĖ2024-06-20T10:37:17+03:00Vitalija Liutkutėv.liutkute@stud.svako.ltRita Bužinskienė<p>Business</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Business, New Technologies and Smart SocietyŠIAULIŲ MIESTO SAVIVALDYBĖS BIUDŽETO PAJAMŲ IR IŠLAIDŲ ANALIZĖ 2019–2023 m2024-06-20T16:24:30+03:00Gabija Zalepūgaitė<p>Business</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024ŽIAGŲ, TINKANČIŲ AUTOMOBILIŲ AKUMULIATORIŲ BATERIJŲ GAMYBAI, VYSTYMOSI TENDENCIJOS2024-06-21T11:17:25+03:00Kristupas Rofinbergaskristupas.rofinbergas@stud.svako.ltMantas Simonavičiusmantas.simonavicius@stud.svako.ltZita Sluckuvienė<p>Business</p>2024-06-21T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 APSKRIČIŲ GYVENTOJŲ UŽIMTUMO ANALIZĖ 2024-07-02T08:27:04+03:00Karolina Jančenkaitė<p>Business</p>2024-07-02T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 GRĮSTŲ KAŠTŲ APSKAITOS METODO TAIKYMAS STATYBOS ĮMONĖJE2024-09-25T13:48:06+03:00Neringa Grušaitėneringa.grusaite@stud.svako.ltAlma Prėskėnienė<p>Veikla grįstas kaštų apskaitos metodas yra efektyvi priemonė, padedanti įmonėms nustatyti ir analizuoti kaštus, susijusius su konkrečiomis veiklos sritimis ar procesais. Taikant šį metodą įmonė gali geriau suprasti, kurios veiklos sferos kelia didžiausias kaštų rizikas ir kur reikia imtis veiksmų efektyvumo didinimui. Statybos įmonėse veikla grįstas kaštų apskaitos metodas tampa itin svarbus dėl didelių investicijų, įvairių tiekimo grandinių ir kompleksinių projektų, kuriuose dalyvauja daug skirtingų interesų grupių. Taikant šį metodą, įmonė gali kokybiškai stebėti ir analizuoti kaštus, susijusius su specifiniais statybos procesais ar projektų etapais.</p>2024-09-25T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024