About the Journal
The periodical scientific journal "PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: THEORY AND PRACTICE" (Online ISSN 2424-5321) is intended for higher education teachers, students, all those who work in academic work, looking for new ideas for further work in the field of theory and practice of professional studies. To ensure the high quality of the published works, all articles have been reviewed by researchers. The journal is published since 2005. Since 2016 articles are published in English only and only in the online publication. The journal is indexed since 2013 in EBSCO Academic Search Complete.
The journal publishes articles written in English. Articles are published on the Internet of the Open Journal System. Publication of articles is free. The scientific journal is published in two issues a year. Cumulative dialing is applied: an article that has passed the review and editing procedures is published immediately, without waiting for the full issue to be published.
This is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
Aims & Scope
The journal aims for publishing of articles: to focus on a high international scientific level; to publish the results of original scientific research; adhere to high standards of publication ethics.
The journal publishes articles in all scientific fields, but priority is given to the fields of social, technological and medical sciences.
Guidelines for authors
Articles should be sent by e-mail to: s.papaurelyte@svako.lt
2. The language of publication is English.
3. Format requirements:
3.1. Text editor – Microsoft Word.
3.2. Font – Arial, 10 pt.
3.3. Page size – A4.
3.4. Margins: Top and Bottom – 20 mm, Left –25 mm, Right – 35 mm.
3.5. Line spacing: single.
3.6. An article length should not exceed 30.000 characters with spaces.
4. Articles must be structured in this order:
4.1. The title of the article;
4.2. The name(s) and the surname(s) of the author(s);
4.3. The name of the institution;
4.4. The annotation of the article (not more than 500 characters);
4.5. Key words (5 words);
4.6. The text of the article;
4.7. Conclusions and / or recommendations;
4.8. Reference list.
5. The articles should include a presentation of the problem, research goals and objectives, methodology, analysis of the results and conclusions (recommendations).
6. Formatting of tables and figures, in-text citations and reference list: APA style should be applied in the social sciences, Vancouver style in the biomedical sciences and ISO 690:2010 standard in the technology sciences.
Ethics of publishing
The articles are published in accordance with the standard requirements of academic ethics. Authors may submit only original, previously unpublished articles. Authors submitting articles undertake to adhere to the principle of academic integrity.
Plagiarism check
If the editor, editorial board member, reviewer, etc. detects plagiarism while editing or reviewing an article, then the authors are informed about it and asked to rewrite the content of the article or provide references from where the content was taken. If more than 10 % of the article was plagiarized, the article is rejected and the authors are notified. If plagiarism is detected after the article is published, the article is removed from the journal's content.
Review process
Articles are reviewed by two anonymous reviewers, scientists in the relevant field, appointed by the editorial board. The identity of the authors of the articles is also not disclosed to the reviewer (Double anonymous peer review).
If the reviewers' assessments differ substantially, the article is additionally reviewed by a third reviewer.
Reviewers must follow the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines: https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines
An article is published if it meets the requirements for a scientific article, is favorably evaluated by two anonymous reviewers, scientists in the relevant field and revised according to the reviewers' suggestions.
Complaints and appeals
If an article has been rejected without external peer review, when an editor's declaration with the listed reasons for rejection has been submitted, such straipsnis cannot be appealed.
The author may appeal by providing a detailed response to the reviewer's and/or editor's comments. The editor reviews the appeal and makes a final decision.
If a violation is found related to an article already published, the editor decides whether to retract the article or take other corrective actions.
Archiving policy
The policy for the long-term preservation of articles published in the journal includes the following measures:
1. All published articles are stored in the journal's Internet archive and the editor-in-chief's electronic archive;
2. The electronic versions of all articles are also stored at the Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa), as a national aggregated open access (OA) repository (https://www.elaba.lt);
3. Authors may archive the final published version of their article in personal, institutional or other repositories without embargo.