Analysis of the need for social assistance of families caring for a disabled person


  • Gineta Vozgirdienė Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuania; Graduate of the Social Work study program
  • Neringa Povilaitienė Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuania; Lecturer at the Department of Social Work, Doctor of Social Sciences



social services, social assistance, needs for social services


The article analyzes the social assistance needs and emerging challenges of families caring for a person with a disability. During the research, the need for provided general social services (information, consulting, mediation and representation) and other services (financial, psychological assistance, physiotherapist services, adapted technical and household assistance, medicinal and nursing measures, communication) became evident. The need for informational, economic and geographical accessibility of social assistance and the need for inter-institutional and inter-sectoral cooperation, provision of daily social care services and continuous communication with a social worker in providing assistance to families caring for a person with a disability have been determined.


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How to Cite

Vozgirdienė, G., & Povilaitienė, N. (2023). Analysis of the need for social assistance of families caring for a disabled person. Applied Scientific Research, 2(2), 87–96.