Methodology of Accounting for the Acquisition of Fixed Tangible Assets


  • Rita Bužinskienė Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuania; Professor at the Department of Business and Accounting, Doctor of social sciences (Economics)
  • Marytė Montrimienė Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuania; Graduate of the Accounting study program



asset accounting, recognition criteria, business accounting standards, accounting methodology.


  The article analyses the concept of fixed tangible assets and the process of accounting methodology. The main issues of accounting for fixed tangible assets are examined: methods of acquiring assets, initial recognition of assets, their assignment to an asset group, subsequent revaluation, and depreciation. The direct and indirect costs constituting the cost price of acquisition and production of fixed tangible assets are shown in detail. The results of the analysis revealed that the accounting of fixed tangible assets in the company complies with the provisions of the 12 Lithuanian financial reporting standards, but it is suggested to improve the methodology of determining the fair value of fixed tangible assets.




How to Cite

Bužinskienė, R., & Montrimienė, M. (2023). Methodology of Accounting for the Acquisition of Fixed Tangible Assets. Applied Scientific Research, 2(2), 73–86.