AB "ORLEN Lietuva" environmental situation


  • Jurgis Anužis Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Šiauliai State Higher Education Institution, Lithuania; Student of Environmental Protection study program
  • Violeta Petraškienė Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Šiauliai State Higher Education Institution, Lithuania; Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Sciences




The article analyses the environmental problems created by the oil refining company AB "ORLEN Lietuva" – pollution of air, soil and water, and measures to reduce pollution are analysed. The general characteristics of the company and the research area are presented, the main oil refining processes are analysed, and hazardous chemicals are described. The methodology of air and soil sampling is presented in detail. The results of the conducted air, water and soil pollution tests showed that the air pollution did not exceed the limit values of the determined concentration, the wastewater treatment meets the requirements, and no cases of contamination were found. However, the concentration of heavy metals exceeded the background pollution in several soil areas.

Keywords: environmental protection, oil refining, pollution, AB "ORLEN Lietuva".


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Anužis, J., & Petraškienė, V. (2023). AB "ORLEN Lietuva" environmental situation. Angewandte Wissenschaftliche Forschung, 2(1), 129–140. https://doi.org/10.56131/tmt.2023.2.1.126