Assessing the need for a new product from a customer perspective
new product, food innovation, neophobia, consumer involvementAbstract
New product development is complicated process, stimulated by the market, company possibilities changes. Innovation is evaluated individually, based on various methods, marketing researches. Noticed, that into the new product developing process expedient include customers, it will help create a product that suits them. The fact was confirmed that to make people accept new product is proper to identify their neophobia level and features, which is needed for food and evaluate the need for a new product. After carrying out a quantitative study, based on the questionnaire survey method, it was found that a new product is needed in the assortment of the confectionery company. The data showed, that customers want products that are characterized by refreshing taste, freshness, modern decorating style. In order for a new product to be successful, it is appropriate to consider customer needs.
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