Information management applying Lean system 5S and Kanban methods from the perspective of company administration employees


  • Vytautė Barauskienė Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuania; 3rd year student of the Information Management study program
  • Violeta Stasėnaitė Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuania; Lecturer at the Department of Management and Communication (until 30/08/2023)



Lean system, 5S method, Kanban method, information management in the company


This article delves into the theoretical and practical aspects of applying Lean system methods in information management processes. When implementing the Lean system in corporate management, the primary emphasis is placed on supplier management, quality, and loss elimination. Recognizing information as a crucial organizational resource, comprehensive solutions are deemed necessary for effectively and securely managing company information. The premise is that Lean's 5S and Kanban methodologies have an impact on the promptness and success of information management within the company, facilitating access to pertinent information for all company personnel. The research carried out assessed the significance of Lean system 5S and Kanban methods from the point of view of employees of the administration of a specific company.


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Barauskienė, V., & Stasėnaitė, V. (2023). Information management applying Lean system 5S and Kanban methods from the perspective of company administration employees. Angewandte Wissenschaftliche Forschung, 2(2), 61–72.